Image with a header reading, "Cases in Education." Below the header, "Administration and Finance"

The University of Michigan: Funding Information Resources

Michael Metzger, Michael Philson, Marvin W. Peterson

  • Format: Permission to reprint
  • Case Code: HE68UNIVE
  • 7 pages


  • Format: PDF
  • Case Code: HE68UNIVE
  • 7 pages



The provost at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor is looking for a strategy for providing access to information throughout the university. Key issues: constrained funding, the pros and cons of centralization, and the very different perspectives of the university library and the university’s Information Technology Division. Different funding models are considered. After more than a year of planning, the provost receives a final report. But the recommendations in the report are not prioritized, and they are not explicit about costs. As chief academic officer, should he make these critical decisions by himself?

Subjects: Financial Management, Strategic Planning, Library, Information Technology
Setting: Large Public

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